RedBoxing RedBoxing · he/him

  • 👨‍💻I'm RedBoxing

  • 🖥️ I'm a 18 years old french developer

  • ❤️ Love anime, programming, hacking, video games, and AI

  • 😡 Hate Microsoft, Windows, Proprietary softwares

  • 🎓 Currently studying in university

  • 🔭 I’m currently working on living

  • 🐧 I use Arch btw

🌍 Languages:

Rust C++ C# Java TypeScript PHP

💻 Software:

Neovim IntelliJ IDEA Visual Studio Code

⚒ Tools

DOCKER Kubernetes

  • Coral : A Minecraft mod adding GPU-simulated particles among other rendering stuff
  • wakfu-rs : A collection of Rust crates for making Wakfu clients, servers and tools
  • exlaunch-rs : Rewrite of exlaunch in Rust
  • Moonlight : A AC:NH Mod menu using exlaunch
  • Starlight : A Framework for making mod menu for exlaunch
  • rscm-rs : A client for sys-rscm written in Rust
  • sys-rscm : A cheat-engine like software for the Nintendo Switch